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Child Care Curriculum: Nursery

Lead Educator – Miss Aida

Holds a Diploma in Early Childhood Education

Our Nursery Program

Your child's learning

As educators at Karratha Early Learning we play a crucial role in your baby’s learning by developing a loving and secure relationship with them, encouraging them to use all their skills to explore the world around them and by encouraging their curiosity.

The Nursery is where the journey with our families begins and this room caters for children from 0-24 months and is run by four of our experienced and fantastic educators. Babies are unique, and each child has their own pattern for sleep, play, feeding and learning. We have a wonderful environment that enable the children to explore, investigate, learn and develop through their own unique interests and at their own pace. We recruit experienced and caring educator to ensure extra care is paid to each baby.  At Karratha Early Learning, we understand the special level of attention each child needs and deserves to enable us to facilitate their learning and development.

Our educators will use your baby's individual pattern as a guide to introducing daily activities that will spark their interests and promote healthy brain development. Lots of personal attention and interaction from our staff will also help to develop basic cognitive and social skills.

The curriculum at Karratha Early Learning, is designed to focus on each child's individual learning and development. We develop their fine and gross motor skills, physical development, cognitive, social development, and their speech. We do this by embedding specific learning intentions into our curriculum whilst observing and developing your babies’ interests. From our observations we make deliberate decisions throughout the day to help your child through this amazing journey and we take pride in sharing every one of their experiences and their progress with you.

Play-based learning

Play, an important way for young children to learn, begins at birth. At Karratha Early Learning we use play-based learning as part of our curriculum.  Through play, babies learn about themselves and their place in the world, develop and practise social and language skills, expand their physical skills and think creatively.

Babies want to discover and explore. Their natural curiosity drives them to experiment with objects to see what they are like and how they work.

We take special care at Karratha Early Learning with each new baby, by creating an environment that nurtures and encourages them.

To make it easy on you, we provide all nappies, wipes, and meals. We also open our doors if you wish to visit during the day.

What a day in our Nursery classroom could look like for your baby.

A Typical Day

Time Nursery (0-2 years)
6.00am Children + Parents Welcomed, Breakfast is served
6.30am-9.00am Free Movement, Indoor/Outdoor Experiences + Free Play
9:00am Morning tea and Sleep time
9.30 am-11.30am Nursery Program, Free Movement, Sensory Experiences, Exploration of Natural World and Music
11.30am Lunch and Sleep time
12.00pm-2.00pm Sleep/Rest/Relaxation
2.00pm – 3.00pm Child Interest Led Indoor Experiences
3.00 pm Afternoon Tea
3.30pm-5.30pm Free Movement, Outdoor Experiences + Free Play and Late Snack provided

Note: Children in the nursery are provided opportunity to rest and sleep around their individual needs.

The program offered at Karratha Early Learning in our Nursery classroom is on display for families to review and provide feedback. The most important practice being that the environment and program throughout the day are calm, unrushed and respectful for all children.

Each classroom at Karratha Early Learning embraces the individuality of each child within their care. Daily programs will look different from classroom to classroom and across different age groups. Please speak with your child’s educators if you have any feedback on what you would like included.


We believe that healthy foods and drinks impact the growth and wellbeing of your baby. We are committed to providing wholesome, nutritious, balanced meals each and every day.

You can learn more about our nutrition philosophy and meals plans on our Nutrition Page.

Parent Communication

Communication with parents and families is especially important when it comes to children ages 0-2. We are always open to learning more about your baby’s needs and desires, along with any feedback you have about the centre.

Communication Book: We have a book for each baby which is shared between home and care to ensure a smooth transition morning and night.

OWNA: We also use an application called OWNA which allows you to stay up-to-date on all the happenings with your child at the centre. With OWNA, you’ll never have to miss a thing.

Facebook: Our day is also showcased via our Facebook which can be shared with family and friends. Please make sure you like and follow our page.

Educator: Please take the time to speak with your baby’s educator on drop off or pick up

Newsletter: We have a centre monthly newsletter to share all the wonderful things we are doing at the centre with you.

OWNA is your very own private online platform and dedicated mobile app that makes sharing key moments between educators and families more engaging